
Electro Deluxe and B-Side Band, 23.10.2024, Sono Centrum, Brno

Electro Deluxe and B-Side Band, 23.10.2024, Sono Centrum, Brno
B-SIDE BAND started their tour in Dolní Bojanovice

B-SIDE BAND started their tour in Dolní Bojanovice
Women of B-Side Band release video for the song Pillows

Women of B-Side Band release video for the song Pillows
INTERVIEW: B-Side Band - Everything is as it should be now. You'll see more of us on our own

INTERVIEW: B-Side Band - Everything is as it should be now. You'll see more of us on our own
INTERVIEWER: A new era? The end of variety shows!

INTERVIEWER: A new era? The end of variety shows!
REVIEW: B-Side Band have released their first album. It successfully enters a new stage

REVIEW: B-Side Band have released their first album. It successfully enters a new stage
B-Side Band releases their first solo album

B-Side Band releases their first solo album

"When I was in the choir, you were on drugs!" B-Side Band launches "There and Back" album with video for "Brno Mars
We can do it without Dyk. The new album presents the B Side Band in form.

We can do it without Dyk. The new album presents the B Side Band in form.
VIDEO: B-side band encourages young generation to follow their dreams

VIDEO: B-side band encourages young generation to follow their dreams
Karel Cernoch 80. Concerts to mark the singer's 80th birthday are approaching

Karel Cernoch 80. Concerts to mark the singer's 80th birthday are approaching
Brno's B-Side Band releases a new single with a music video

Brno's B-Side Band releases a new single with a music video
B-Side Band celebrated the last Advent Sunday with the single Snow.

B-Side Band celebrated the last Advent Sunday with the single Snow.
Judith Hill with B-Side Band celebrates fifteen years of Groove Brno

Judith Hill with B-Side Band celebrates fifteen years of Groove Brno
The unique project Folk Swings releases a follow-up film of the recording and the concert after one year

The unique project Folk Swings releases a follow-up film of the recording and the concert after one year
B-Side Band released a studio recording of Jazz Mass

B-Side Band released a studio recording of Jazz Mass

Rádio Proglas
Sacred jazz in its definitive form

Sacred jazz in its definitive form
REVIEW: Vojtěch Dyk and the Janáček Philharmonic stun Ostrava with the uncrowned king of Czech swing

REVIEW: Vojtěch Dyk and the Janáček Philharmonic stun Ostrava with the uncrowned king of Czech swing
Host Apetýtu: Josef Buchta

Host Apetýtu: Josef Buchta

Český rozhlas Brno
RECENZE: Jazzová mše krásně vzpomněla na Jaromíra Hniličku

RECENZE: Jazzová mše krásně vzpomněla na Jaromíra Hniličku

ROZHOVOR: Vojtěch Dyk a Josef Buchta: Rodina je víc než hudba

ROZHOVOR: Vojtěch Dyk a Josef Buchta: Rodina je víc než hudba
ONLINE: Mimořádný koncert z pražského Kongresového centra

ONLINE: Mimořádný koncert z pražského Kongresového centra

Česká televize
LIVE: Standardy v podání pěvecké elity z New Yorku

LIVE: Standardy v podání pěvecké elity z New Yorku
REVIEW: B-Side Band mapuje na desce

REVIEW: B-Side Band mapuje na desce "10 let" první dekádu své činnosti
REVIEW: B-Side band bilancuje 10 let se všemi a pro všechny

REVIEW: B-Side band bilancuje 10 let se všemi a pro všechny
REVIEW: B-Side Band boduje s novým albem Meeting Point

REVIEW: B-Side Band boduje s novým albem Meeting Point

Český rozhlas Jazz
REVIEW: B-Side Band - Meeting Point

REVIEW: B-Side Band - Meeting Point

Město hudby
REVIEW: B-Side band má svůj Meeting point

REVIEW: B-Side band má svůj Meeting point
REVIEW: 10 LET – brněnský orchestr vydává výroční CD s Vojtěchem Dykem, Matějem Ruppertem, Kurtem Ellingem a dalšími

REVIEW: 10 LET – brněnský orchestr vydává výroční CD s Vojtěchem Dykem, Matějem Ruppertem, Kurtem Ellingem a dalšími

INTERVIEW: B-Side Band po první dekádě

INTERVIEW: B-Side Band po první dekádě

Časopis Harmonie
INTERVIEW: B-Side Band - Prvních pět let byla v podstatě muka

INTERVIEW: B-Side Band - Prvních pět let byla v podstatě muka
INTERVIEW: Josef Buchta - Vybral jsem tři svá stavební spoření

INTERVIEW: Josef Buchta - Vybral jsem tři svá stavební spoření
LIVE: Vojta Dyk a B-Side Band přivezli do Brna originální stage a velkolepou show

LIVE: Vojta Dyk a B-Side Band přivezli do Brna originální stage a velkolepou show

LIVE: Vojta Dyk a B-Side Band otevřeli ve Foru Karlín bar a ohromili velkolepou show

LIVE: Vojta Dyk a B-Side Band otevřeli ve Foru Karlín bar a ohromili velkolepou show